Jun 18, 2019

Output Transformer


Although I was reasonably sure the opposite side of the chassis was the best place for the output transformer (in turns of noise and support) -- I figured it would interesting to try the headphone trick to check.
  1. I taped off and tied down all the extra leads from the Power Transformer (PT) and the Output Transformer (OT).
  2. I jumpered in power to the PT's black leads.
  3. I jumpered in ¼ jack to the black and white leads of the OT. 
  4. I pugged in my headphones to the ¼ jack.
  5. I plugged my variac into the wall. I made sure it was off and turned down.
  6. I plugged my current limiter into the variac.
  7. I plugged my OT into the current limiter.
  8. I turned on the variac and slowly brought the power up 120V.
  9. I started moving around the OT and listening to the different levels of hum depending on the proximity and orientation to the PT.

Here's the test setup

There was a lot of hum in this position

As expected, this position seemed to offer the least hum

I tried various angles but this orientation and position seemed the best.

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