May 28, 2019

Two-Stroke Amp Head: Goals and Rationale

I want to build a head version (of the 2nd revision) of Dave Hunter's Two-Stroke Amp from his book.

I am not interested in a kit because:
  • living in Canada, kits are expensive due to shipping, importing, etc
  • I am lucky enough to have good local suppliers, e.g. NextGen, Spaceman, etc
  • I am not in a hurry and I will learn more by sourcing my own stuff ... and making mistakes
  • I want to make a head, not a combo

I want to make head instead of a combo because:
  • I have a speaker cabinet
  • I am interested in different cabinet styles and speakers so I'll probably build a couple variations
  • I don't have any experience making cabinets ... yet, but one thing at a time

I am interested in the Revised Two Stroke because it's a simple, flexible design based on a classic:  Fender Princeton - 5F2A.

The Two-Stroke allows you to use a variety of preamp and power tubes.