May 28, 2019

First crack at a Point-to-Point layout

Inspired by Rob Robinette's site and using DIY Layout Creator I came up with a layout for my Two Stroke Amp Head.

The design is based on 12 X 8 X 2 Hammond aluminum chassis.
The black and grey twisted pairs represent a shielded cable.
I am using a separate  preamp bus and power-amp bus.
I am trying to keep the input away from the power transformer.
I am trying to keep the tubes close to where they are needed.

The main modifications from the original schematic are:

Mod-1. Added a 470Ω screen resistor to V2 (see forum discussion), in my schematic this is R15.

Mod-2. Added some SPDT switches to pick 3 of the 4 output transformer impedances.

Mod-3. Based on Uncle Doug's videos, some helpful forum members, and Merlin's book , the 68KΩ grid stopper on V1 should be smaller. Fender amps would have the equivalent of 34KΩ and Merlin suggests that 10KΩ + 680pF capacitor will be quieter.  I have not updated the layout yet but I am considering it.

P2P Layout

Prev: Two Stroke Am Head: Goals and Rationale
NextLayout and Schematic Rev-2